Monday, September 30, 2013

Consumer Behaviour

Anisa Sekar Safitri

Undergraduate Student Majoring in Family and Consumers Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology

Bogor Agricultural University

Hello, It’s me again and I’m gonna share some fun information about a class that I attend this semester. The class’s named Consumer Behaviour. It’s a mayor class for Family and Consumer science students on 3rd semester. Besides that the Consumer Behaviour class is one of applicated class so far. I learnt much about consumer motivation, needs, and etc. The fact is We are a consumer for some products that we use everyday, so It’s one of a good science to be more wise as consumer and it could be used if you might make a company or shop.
            Last week we studied about Consumer Learning Process and Consumers Knowladge. When I heard about Consumer Learning Process, All I could think about was consumers reading nutrition facts or expired date that usually shows on the back of products and something like that. Then I found some interesting facts that consumer learning process isn't just like that reading nutrition facts, but consumer learning process is process to get the information or experiences which could change consumer’s behavior, relatively permanent and continous.
Based on Based on Consumer Behavior Text Book by Ujang Sumarwan 

Ujang Sumarwan. 2011. Perilaku Konsumen: Teori dan Penerapannya dalam Pemasaran. Jakarta: PT Ghalia Indonesia.

Lecturers of Consumer Behavior Class Semester  Feb – May  2013
 Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
 College of Human Ecology
 Bogor Agricultural University

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Sweet

Dear Diary, #hellyeah

Yesterday was beautiful. It wasn't just because of the food. It was because he was there with me. Yeah, Love is suck. I can't stand this feeling. Makes me weak eaveryday and everytime. I'm tired, really. But, being known by him it'll be the worst. I don't want everyone knows this feeling. It's enought being known by my bestfriends. But, sometimes I want to tell everyone about my feeling. Telling 'em how much i do love him, How tired being the person who hides.
Yesterday, All i could say was I'm over it. But, He came up to my home, unpredictably. 
Before, I was like:

I felt like a crap waiting on him. I thought that he would never ever come. I thought he might leave me.
I thought that I was so over with my stupid feeling to him. All thought was ruinning in my head. I was tottaly dissapointed because of he hadn't come yet.

and then, without any texts or told me before:

All i could say was,"Godness, I love him so much."
He called up my name in front of my house. My daddy told me my friend came. I was like ->
I just wore the stupid clothes. Pajamas. It was night. All I said to him,"Wait." And yeah. He was there. On his motorcycle. Waiting on me.

Is it suck? I was saying that I was over him. And suddenly he came up. Made me shock and realize that:
I could never live without him

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I know, It hurts to see you with someone else. But, It's glad if i know she will never hurt you. But sometimes, It's probably bleeding. It pretty hurts me and I don't like that feelings. I hate being the one who gets hurt. But, I am always in that situation. It's like my fate, my destination. :(
 Tomorrow, i'll get hurt -again-. I just can take a deep breath and whisper my heart that you aren't mine and i don't love you anylonger
The Truth :
xoxo, Your hopeless romantic.

Monday, February 7, 2011

My confession #2 - Teen's in love

Everyday feels like a new day with you. It's like a new story which must be done through together. It's wonderful. I could do anything just because you're right there with me. Boy, I love you so much. You mean so pretty important in my life. I don't know why. But, yeah I love you 'till the end of time. 
LOL yeah, i know i'm so stupid. Because, I'm in love with the person whom i don't know his feeling. You're so mysterious. You're so cold. You're so beautiful. You're like my drugs. 
I  know, I shouldn't love you. We'd better be a friend. but, My heart says no. It wants more. My heart wants we're together. But, how could we be together if there're so many people jealous if i loved you. I just keep my feeling as a secret because i'm too affraid if they know. Yeah, I'm like a loser. I don't have braveness to tell people about my feeling.
But, Boy. Please, we're in the same class. We always make stupid joke. Laughing together. It's feeling wrong right now. Because, Everytime i see your smile, i see your laugh I'm just there being more in love with you. I know It's so stupid. But, it's actually what i feel. Whatever you want to say what. But, it is me. Accept or no. I will always do in my way.

xoxo, Your favorite Hello :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Dude, You have to read.

My Confession #1

Okay. Mungkin sudah lama banget semenjak post-an tentang kehidupan gue di sini. Terkadang menyimpan perasaan lebih baik daripada diumbar kemana-mana. Itu akan membuat cerita kita lebih berharga untuk diri sendiri. Tapi, terkadang jika cerita selalu ditahan didalam hati kita. Kita tidak pernah mau membicarakannya kepada orang lain itu akan membuat perasaan kita seperti ada yang mengganjal. Hari ini Gue memutuskan untuk menceritakan secuil kehiduapan dari seorang Anse -_-" beberapa hari belakangan ini.

Tahun baru adalah sebuah awalan baru. Mungkin itulah hal pertama yang bisa dituliskan. Sudah sebulan ini 2011 berjalan. Bumi berputar pada porosnya untuk 12 bulan berikutnya. 2010 telah membuat benang cerita yang panjang. Kini Gue memutuskan benang panjang yang telah ruet tidak beraturan itu untuk memulai lemabaran baru. 6 Bulan galau hanya karena seseorang tapi, waktu telah menyembuhkan sedikit demi sedikit membuat perasaab sakit itu kian terlupakan. Seakan telah terbiasa akibat rasa yang tidak menyenangkan itu.
Banyak yang bilang cinta datang kapan saja. Tapi, setelah mengalami kesakitan Gue cukup tau tentang laki-laki. Di pikiranku semua laki-laki sama saja. Tidak ada yang spesial. Tapi, ada satu pengecualian pada dirinya .

Sungguh tidak ada yang menarik didirinya. Hanya laki-laki biasa. Orang Indonesia dan seumuran denganku. Kami telah saling kenal sekitar 3 tahun lalu. Demi Tuhan, Aku tidak pernah mengakui rasa itu. Mungkin beberapa tahun lalu pernah menyadari tapi Aku tidak pernah mengakui. He's weird. Tapi, ada sesuatu didalam dirinya yang membuat ia berbeda. Aku tahu itu. Karena rasa itu datang saat kami bercerita tentang sesuatu. Dia bercerita tentang mantannya yang notaben adalah temanku sendiri. Aku tahu Ia masih menyukainya. Mungkin perasaan bertepuk sebelah tangan yang juga ia alami membuatku berfikir I'm not that alone.

Aku menyukainya semenjak itu. Aku mengingatnya dengan sangat jelas 4 September 2010. Tapi, Aku selalu menyangkal I will never ever love him.  Ada beberapa alasan Aku selalu menyangkalnya beberapa bulan belakangan ini. Salah satu alasannya yaitu, Aku tidak ingin sejarah berulang. Rasa sakit itu. Tangisan saat mengingatnya.Kepedihan saat mengenang masa lalu. Aku tidak mau mengalami masa itu.  Itu baru dua bulan semenjak pertengkaranku dengan Jake. Aku juga masih mencintai Jake. Aku juga tidak ingin menjilat ludahku sendiri karena beberapa waktu lalu saat temanku bertanya,"Lo suka ya sama x?" Aku selalu menjawab tidak. Bahkan hingga sekarang.

Tapi berada satu sekolah dengannya. Bertemu lima hari dalam seminggu selama 8 jam perhari membuatku tidak bisa mengelak dengan rasa itu. Aku tahu Aku sangat bodoh. Bahkan Aku tidak yakin dia memiliki rasa yang sama atau tidak. Sesuatu yang kutahu Aku yakini hingga saat ini adalah takdir. 
Sebenarnya kami satu SD, SMP, dan SMA. Saat SD dia adalah murid pindahan sepertiku. Tapi, kita belum saling mengenal. Bahkan saat Bulan September tahun lalu, seakan ada takdir yang membuat kami saling bercerita tentang hal itu. Aku tidak bisa menceritakannya disini. Terlalu frontal. Aku takut dia membaca dan menyadarinya. Bahkan, Itu akan membuat persahabatan kita menjadi buruk. Kupikir, Hanya berteman seperti ini sudah cukup indah. cukup. 

I don't know How to tell my feeling.