Monday, September 30, 2013

Consumer Behaviour

Anisa Sekar Safitri

Undergraduate Student Majoring in Family and Consumers Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology

Bogor Agricultural University

Hello, It’s me again and I’m gonna share some fun information about a class that I attend this semester. The class’s named Consumer Behaviour. It’s a mayor class for Family and Consumer science students on 3rd semester. Besides that the Consumer Behaviour class is one of applicated class so far. I learnt much about consumer motivation, needs, and etc. The fact is We are a consumer for some products that we use everyday, so It’s one of a good science to be more wise as consumer and it could be used if you might make a company or shop.
            Last week we studied about Consumer Learning Process and Consumers Knowladge. When I heard about Consumer Learning Process, All I could think about was consumers reading nutrition facts or expired date that usually shows on the back of products and something like that. Then I found some interesting facts that consumer learning process isn't just like that reading nutrition facts, but consumer learning process is process to get the information or experiences which could change consumer’s behavior, relatively permanent and continous.
Based on Based on Consumer Behavior Text Book by Ujang Sumarwan 

Ujang Sumarwan. 2011. Perilaku Konsumen: Teori dan Penerapannya dalam Pemasaran. Jakarta: PT Ghalia Indonesia.

Lecturers of Consumer Behavior Class Semester  Feb – May  2013
 Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
 College of Human Ecology
 Bogor Agricultural University

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